
Ouerfelli Attorneys & Counsels featured in CILE Newsletter

“Ouerfelli Attorneys & Counsels” (A.O) has just got featured in the Center for International Legal Education’s (CILE) newsletter after hosting two JD students from Pittsburgh University: Mr. Austin […]

Methodology of companies’ liquidation under the Tunisian law

A company may be liquidated: –         As a « private » liquidation, governed by the Commercial Companies Code (arts. 28-53). The liquidation decision may be taken by the extraordinary […]

Excess of taxation kills…

« Trop d’impôt tue l’impôt » : « Too much taxation kills tax », said Arthur B. Laffer([1]). Ibn Khaldoun said in his Mouqaddima that the increase in taxation is a sign of […]

ICSID award against Tunisia in favour of ABCI: annulment of the FINAL AWARD shall be requested

The new version of this Article clarifies that the ICSID Arbitral Tribunal ruling on the ABCI vs Tunisia ICSID case held that Tunisia was liable but […]

A Saudi court partially invalidates an arbitration clause providing for Saudi parties to resort to arbitration outside Saudi Arabia

In contrast to Article 48 of the Tunisian 1993 Arbitration Code, which expressly authorizes the parties to agree to the arbitration procedure outside Tunisia and is […]