
How to manage a bilingual arbitration procedure? (Example of the Real Madrid vs FIFA CAS-TAS Arbitration Case)

In a recent award published on the official website of CAS-TAS (http://www.tas-cas.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Award_4785__FINAL__with_signature_for_publication.pdf), the arbitral tribunal had to deal with a request made by Real Madrid Club de […]

Ouerfelli Attorneys & Counsels featured in CILE Newsletter

“Ouerfelli Attorneys & Counsels” (A.O) has just got featured in the Center for International Legal Education’s (CILE) newsletter after hosting two JD students from Pittsburgh University: Mr. Austin […]

Methodology of companies’ liquidation under the Tunisian law

A company may be liquidated: –         As a « private » liquidation, governed by the Commercial Companies Code (arts. 28-53). The liquidation decision may be taken by the extraordinary […]

La légitimité de l’arbitrage obligatoire du TAS de nouveau écornée

La Cour d’Appel de Bruxelles a estimé dans un arrêt rendu le 29 août 2018 que la stipulation des Statuts de la FIFA selon laquelle il […]