
Our training session on investment arbitrtation launched

On April 19th, 2018, we started our second training session on Investment arbitration. The dispute arose between a chinese company, Jao Ling, and The Democratic Republic of […]

Ahmed Ouerfelli is conducting, for the first time, a sports law course in English

Ahmed Ouerfelli is conducting, for the first time, a sports law course in English at the University of El Manar for master degree students. The course […]

Case study on arbitration in corporate disputes (Oil dispute) – Our first training session in 2018

I. Introduction In 2017, we organised our first training sessions, on tax law. Our first training session in 2018 starts on 04 January 2018. The objective […]

The AO team thanks Nicholas C. Weltz and Austin M. Koltonowski

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“AO Ouerfelli Attorneys & Counsels” supports the Tunisian team in the Vienna VIS MOOT

“AO Ouerfelli Attorneys & Counsels” organized a training and coaching session for the Tunisian team who will participate to the Vienna  Willem C. Vis International Commercial […]